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      Your Retail Business, On the Rise.

      Take Your Construction SME to the Next Level.


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        Science & Technology
        Your Science & Technology SME, Scaled Up.

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          Turbocharge SME growth with Cubeler.

          Financial Institutions
          Enhance the SME financing experience with us.


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          Level up the membership journey with us. 


          Available Now

          Get matched with

          the right lender—

          in minutes—with Cubeler

          Join Cubeler and get matched in minutes with multiple prequalified financing offers from leading lenders across Canada—without affecting your credit score.

          Join Cubeler Now



          Make Business Financing Simple,

          Finance Smart with Cubeler

          Available Now


          Get multiple prequalified loan offers from leading lenders—in minutes.

          Join Cubeler and get AI-matched in minutes with multiple prequalified loan offers from leading lenders across Canada.


          Join Cubeler Now


          Available Now


          Get faster access to leading business lenders across Canada.

          Join Cubeler to connect instantly with a coast-to-coast network of leading lenders and fast-track your access to capital—without ever leaving your seat.


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          Available Now


          Approach multiple lenders without hurting your credit score

          Join Cubeler and get multiple prequalified loan offers from multiple lenders through a single automated application—without affecting your credit score.


          Join Cubeler Now


          Available Now


          Get fast access to loan offers with our single, streamlined loan application

          Join Cubeler and use a single, streamlined, fully automated loan application to receive multiple prequalified loan offers instantly, ensuring you find the best terms for your financial situation.


          Join Cubeler Now


          Here are some of the top lenders partnering up with Cubeler to streamline business financing for SMEs across Canada.

          Laurentian Bank logo Accelerated Payments Logo partners_logos_transcapitale_200x100 Alliance Financing Group Ltd. logo Merchant Growth Logo partners_logos_journeycapital_200x100 2m7 Financial Solutions logo kingsmen capital investments logo logo Corl Financial Investments Capital Advance financial partner logo voxen logo partners_logos_ecap_200x100 partners_logos_keep_200x100

          Learn more about SME financing

          How to get a small business loan

          How to get a small business loan

          Two men working and smiling after getting a loan

          Top 5 SME trends for 2023

          Top 5 SME trends for 2023

          A woman wearing a jumpsuit in a startup workshop

          How to start a small business

          How to start a small business

          Smiling woman who starts a small business

          Experience How the Cubeler Financing Platform Can Unlock the True Potential of Your Business.

          Your Business Deserves Better.

          Join Cubeler to Unlock Your Full Potential.

          Become a Cubeler member to unlock the full potential of your business with the collective power of Canada's only nationwide SME ecosystem.

          Join Now

          Business financing smiling woman holding a tablet